Sri Krishnadevaraya University
Centre for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship & Incubation

News & Events

Sri Chaithanya Campus Recruitment Interviews
March 05, 2017
Centre for Skill Development conducted Campus Recruitment Drive for the position of teachers in Sri Chaithanya educational institutions on 30-01-2017. 50 members were selected on that day in written test from various departments. Further interviews were conducted on 06-03-2017 and 31 members got placement.

A One Day Hands-on Workshop on Microcontrollers and Interfacing
March 03, 2017
Centre for Skill Development organised A One Day Hands-on Workshop on Microcontrollers and Interfacing in the Innovation Lab and provided the knowledge on the domains of microcontrollers and embedded systems to the students.

MoU with CodeTantra Online Learning Software Company
March 02, 2017
Sri Krishnadevaraya University and Codetantra company made Memorandum of understanding on 3rd March 2017.

A Two Day Hands-on Workshop on Microcontrollers and Interfacing
February 16, 2017
Centre for Skill Development organised A Two Day Hands-on Workshop on Microcontrollers and Interfacing in the Innovation Lab and provided the knowledge on the domains of microcontrollers and embedded systems to the students.

SAP Training in Association with APSSDC
January 19, 2017
Centre for Skill Development in association with Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) is conducting SAP Training in Sri Krishnadevaraya Institure of Management, SKU, Anantapur. Shortlisted candidates from the online examination conducted in SKU Skill Development Centre were under training.

A One Day Orientation Seminar on Computer Graphics Conducted by IACG
November 29, 2016
Centre for Skill Development in association with International Academy of Computer Graphics (IACG) conducted A One Day Orientation Seminar on Computer Graphics in Polymer Science Seminar Hall to motivate the students towards different domains of computer graphics and given information about the job opportunities in the area of computer graphics.
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